
The Teen Vogue Handbook?

Aspiring to work in fashion? then this is the book for you! I found it by chance when I was scouring through Amazon and I came across this little gem when I was searching for some fashion based books and I am super glad I brought it. I have been looking for quite some time for a book that informs me of all the careers in the fashion industry, a book that had a wide burst of knowledge and contained information that would help me and I eventually found ‘The Teen Vogue Handbook’.

It was published a while ago (a few years back I think) but it has a lot of information in it from advice tailored for people wanting to be stylists to designers to editors from all the biggest names in the fashion world and it has so much to give an aspiring fashion industry lover like myself, hence why I am writing a mini review on it now because it’s rather a good book and cheap too from amazon! 🙂





Let me know if you’re thinking of a career in fashion as well! 🙂


Uni, fashion journalism & blogging!

Hello, Bonjour, Konnichiwa, nǐ hǎo, Guten Tag, Hallo! 

So I have been gone a long time and haven’t posted in a while, however I am back and I am hoping that this summer I will get time to blog quite a bit so fingers crossed! Since I haven’t blogged in a while, I think you all deserve a reasonable explanation and that is because last month I had an incredibly difficult amount of university work due in the same week and it meant a lot of hours staying up till the morning, barely eating and being overly tired 😦 Luckily however now I have finished my university work and my second year at university and I am home for summer!

Before I broke up for summer I was planning on doing quite a lot of things this year and I am still hoping to do them at some point like first aid and learning to drive but something which I have been thinking about more lately is my old dream of becoming a fashion journalist. For those of you who were with me from the beginning, you’ll remember I wanted to be a fashion journalist and I put all my time and effort into juggling my university work and writing for various magazines, in total I wrote over 30 articles published both online and in print format so that was successful for me however eventually it all got a bit much and I couldn’t juggle the two much longer, so I gave up writing for magazines and at this point I was writing for at least 6 or 7 different upcoming or amateur magazines so it was a lot to give up after working so hard on it but it had to be done. After a long long long break of not writing, lately I have been looking into getting back into the fashion world! I want to write articles again, so I went and started writing for some of the ones I use to write for but now I am looking into other areas of fashion as well which might be interesting like photography and styling (I don’t know if I’d be any good but that’s why you learn and try!).

I’m not completely sure which direction I want to go into for my future career but there is three different industries I am thinking about which is fashion, teaching or health care and I have routes planned for all of them – so we will all have to wait and see what next year holds 🙂

Other than that, I’ve been worrying a lot about various things like finances and health, but I am still smiling so that’s good! 🙂

Well I hope you’re all well and I am back now!






Things I love about Halloween!

Hello, Hello, Hello…I know I haven’t blogged in a while and that is because I had my birthday on 12th October (I am 20 now!) and I have been doing a lot of university work and also as you mostly all know I write for a few magazines as a freelance journalist on the side to gain experience and add to my portfolio so both of those things are hectically time consuming! Sorry! But I am back and I will try to blog a bit more so stick around 🙂

So for my post I thought I would choose the topic of Halloween, which is a pretty obvious one since it is October! I think October is probably my favourite month followed by December as it’s all frosty and leafy and just all round cosy 🙂 But back to my topic of blog post, so I thought I would do things I love about Halloween! So lets start…

1. Candy Apples/Caramel Apples/Toffee Apples – So delicious! Although I prefer the caramel outside rather than the actual apple.

2. Pumpkins – Who doesn’t enjoy a good pumpkin carving? Inside the pumpkin smells a little but once you get past all the seeds and gooey bits it is pretty fun to carve a little face into it and I love how it looks all spooky when the candle is lit inside.

3. All the shops, stores and houses get prepared for Halloween – Fake cobwebs, pumpkins, fake zombies, pretend tombstones, spiders, bats and blood everywhere!

4. Candy Corn – Something I found like a year ago, it is an American sweet that we don’t have over in England but we can find it in some special American sweet shops here and they taste amazing!

5. Dressing up – Although I dress up for Halloween a lot less than when I was a child and people’s choice of outfits may have changed into more mature selections I still love to dress up and be all spooky if I can.

So that’s what I love about Halloween! What about you?



My Journey To Becoming A Fashion Journalist, My Summer & Lots of updates!

Hey Everyone!

So as you know I have been away for quite some time now and that is because I have had a looooong blogging break, I think one is needed every now and then when things just get too much. Sometimes trying to balance University, writing articles for various magazines and other stuff gets a little hectic! But long story short I have returned and I hope to bring you some brilliant posts which you’ll enjoy 🙂 I will be posting regularly but not thousands of articles each day as I have said I have university to think of as I am now in my second year and I want to do well as well 🙂

Over the summer I spent my time at home with my family and partner making the most of the sun, I brought a swimming pool and used it once (Stupid rain!) , got another tattoo, I went to London and went sightseeing, stayed up all night playing Batman Arkham Asylum, went to watch Wolverine at the cinema  and moved into our new apartment for our second year at university as well just to name a few little things I did. I hope your summers went well as well! 🙂

So as most of you who follow me on my journey to become a fashion journalist, I am doing well in that respect as I have a lot of writing experience now and my work is published online and in print (Two pictures below of printed articles) in various magazines and one day I hope to make it to Vogue! Or that is the plan at least 😉

Well good bye for now and I shall be posting soon!






Where Have I Been Hiding & Journey To Be A Fashion Journalist Updates!

ieiert  gregf

Hey Everyone!

So as you may have realized I haven’t been posting as much as I usually do and that’s because I have had quite a hectic but positive week! For those of you that follow my blog for updates on my journey to become a fashion journalist, well I have some little updates for you! Firstly I am now writing for another two new magazines who have a large readership so that’s quite exciting, not to mention one of the magazines is also American which is a great way for me to expand my experience in journalism and magazines globally.

So now I write for 4 magazines, some on a weekly basis and others on a monthly basis which is fine by me as I love writing and the flexibility fits in great with my life! So my fashion and journalism experience is adding up now so I made a mini list so you can see what I have accomplished this month:

  • Becoming a Fashion Ambassador for
  • Writing for another British based magazine
  • Writing for an American based magazine
  • I have done my first ever model photo shoot in 1960’s and 1980’s vintage clothing
  • Completed lots of promotional exchanges with many online stores

Well moving on, I have finished my first year of University a week ago and traveled home for Summer break so I have been catching up with my family back in North London so I haven’t been posting much! But now I am starting to post more often, so bare with me guys! 🙂

I have been reading endless Vogue and ELLE magazines lately, I never use to buy them because they were quite pricey but now I am just starting to read them and I love the content. I also went into my local library and I found the March Issue of Vogue for 30p! So I brought that as it was a bargain.Image



My Journey To Become A Fashion Journalist…

So as you all know I want to be a fashion journalist rather badly, I’m not the type of girl who says it and doesn’t do my research first. Personally I have skills when it comes to researching in depth! But so a while ago I got into writing articles, I started small just writing them for my university online newspaper bearing in mind this is the first time I had ever wrote an article. Now it’s taken some time for my writing style and ability to develop but that first stepping stone of writing my first article for my University newspaper led me to writing more and more, getting good responses and views I found that I had a secret talent for writing.

I am an ambitious girl and tend to think of things I want to do or accomplish that is quite difficult and this being one of them, being a fashion journalist is a lot harder than it’s believed to be and to actually break into the industry is about as easy as smashing an ice cube with a tooth pick – Often one breaks before the other meaning that more than often the person gives up before the industry gives them a chance. But lately things have been going well, I mean there was a time when I thought ‘hmm is this going anywhere?’ but decided to hold on a little longer and after 8 months of writing articles for my University newspaper online I started to get chances to write for published magazines around my University and some amateur fashion magazines and websites which is great! I’m slowly but surely building my portfolio and give it a year and I’ll be applying for a internship and hopefully getting one somewhere fingers crossed!

So that was my little insight into how my journey is currently going, hope you enjoyed 🙂 Follow/Like/Subscribe.




Blogging, Reading, Beauty, Fashion, Gaming, Travelling – Insight into a few of my hobbies!

Mostly everyone has hobbies! Some people like horse riding others prefer baking or sewing but I thought I would share with my you guys a few of my hobbies! So you guys get to know me a little better 🙂

  • I love reading! I love all genres and I think my top three favourites would have to be John Green’s Paper Towns and Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Finding Alaska also by John Green. I can read for hours if I have a good book and nothing to do, in my eyes sometimes it is like an escape to a different place and time 🙂
  • One of my other hobbies has to be gaming. I have been playing on games consoles since I was very young starting with my SEGA drive! From growing up playing sonic and tails on SEGA I grew up to love playing PlayStation and Xbox as well.
  • Obviously I have a passion for blogging, beauty and fashion otherwise I wouldn’t be doing what I love to do which is blog about all those things. I enjoy blogging and having new followers and getting to look at everyone else’s unique blogs too 🙂
  • I have previously wrote a post about my love for travelling and the wanderlust that I have for it. In the future after University I aim to travel to many places and make it an avid hobby.
  • In the picture below you will see a painting set and that is because in my free time I like to paint and draw as much as I can, I find it relaxing and enjoyable 🙂
  • If I’m not reading a good book or a newspaper then I’m 100% likely to be devouring a fashion magazine, I love them it’s a sweet simple addiction.
  • Finally I love to bake cakes, cookies or anything sweet! I like cooking but nothing is more fun than baking! 🙂

Well I hope you liked that little insight into my hobbies 🙂 Follow/Like.


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