
Things I love about Halloween!

Hello, Hello, Hello…I know I haven’t blogged in a while and that is because I had my birthday on 12th October (I am 20 now!) and I have been doing a lot of university work and also as you mostly all know I write for a few magazines as a freelance journalist on the side to gain experience and add to my portfolio so both of those things are hectically time consuming! Sorry! But I am back and I will try to blog a bit more so stick around 🙂

So for my post I thought I would choose the topic of Halloween, which is a pretty obvious one since it is October! I think October is probably my favourite month followed by December as it’s all frosty and leafy and just all round cosy 🙂 But back to my topic of blog post, so I thought I would do things I love about Halloween! So lets start…

1. Candy Apples/Caramel Apples/Toffee Apples – So delicious! Although I prefer the caramel outside rather than the actual apple.

2. Pumpkins – Who doesn’t enjoy a good pumpkin carving? Inside the pumpkin smells a little but once you get past all the seeds and gooey bits it is pretty fun to carve a little face into it and I love how it looks all spooky when the candle is lit inside.

3. All the shops, stores and houses get prepared for Halloween – Fake cobwebs, pumpkins, fake zombies, pretend tombstones, spiders, bats and blood everywhere!

4. Candy Corn – Something I found like a year ago, it is an American sweet that we don’t have over in England but we can find it in some special American sweet shops here and they taste amazing!

5. Dressing up – Although I dress up for Halloween a lot less than when I was a child and people’s choice of outfits may have changed into more mature selections I still love to dress up and be all spooky if I can.

So that’s what I love about Halloween! What about you?

