Month: July 2013

Saturday Blogger Interviews – Tara Joy

Name: Tara Joy

Location: Florida

Age: 19

What sort of things do you blog about most: I mostly blog about product reviews, outfit posts, and some personal stuff here and there. It’s a big combination of anything and everything I feel like talking about.
Name three words to describe your blog: Relaxed, chatty, and of course, bow-filled.
When did you first start blogging: I first started blogging in May of 2012.
Why did you begin to blog: I started blogging because I needed someone to chat with about clothes, makeup, and skincare. I was definitely talking off my beau’s ear and there was only so much talk about different lipstick finishes he could handle. It was a fun idea I had toyed around with and I’m so glad I did it.
What’s one blogging tip that you would share with other potential bloggers: Don’t pay attention to the numbers. The #1 thing I couldn’t care less about is how many people follow or read what I have to say. Of course, without followers there isn’t a lot of interaction, but I don’t understand the big deal. I loved my blog at 3 followers and I still loved my blog the same at 300 followers. If you’re doing it for the numbers maybe that’s the wrong reason to.
Do you see yourself still blogging in three/five years time: Absolutely. It’s something that is more than a hobby to me. It makes me feel really connected to my girly side. I love being able to talk to people about the things that make me happy and blogging is one great way to do it.
What’s one of the best things about being a blogger: I just love the fact that we are all into talking about the same things. It’s so nice to be able to look to tons of awesome people for opinions on anything and everything you could possibly imagine. It’s a cool thing.
Has blogging helped you significantly in any other way: Blogging has helped me stay glued to the camera. I grew up wanting to be a photographer and to go to art school. Even though I’m not in art school, I like having reasons to get behind the camera and be artistic.
Name one thing that inspires you: My friends are a huge inspiration to me. Honestly, they’re all so fun loving and goofy. All of us have very different distinct senses of style and I love to mix up my own style with some add ins of theirs like graphic tees and trainers.
Share one of your favourite quotes: “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale

Saturday Blogger Interviews – Ashlyn Shore

Name: Ashlyn Shore
Location: Vancouver, BC
Age: 23
Facebook/Twitter: @Ashlyn_Shore (No Facebook)
What sort of things do you blog about most: 
I blog about anything really, but usually it’s book reviews and articles. My articles are about writing tips, advice, story structures, anything that may be useful to other writers. Sometimes I post short stories to let my readers know what my writing style really is. My book reviews are usually about books I’ve read and loved, but also the books that aren’t as popular as Harry Potter or The Hunger Games. I even blog about my opinions of things, like books and movie adaptions.
Name three words to describe your blog: inspirational, informative, and creative.
When did you first start blogging:
A little while after my birthday, exactly on June 28th 2013, so not that long ago. One day I just woke up with hundreds of page views and followers, it was a dream come true for any blogger. I actually tried blogging a few years back, ultimately failing to attract readers and I gave up on all of them. I’m glad I continued with this one, though!
Why did you begin to blog:
Before I began blogging, most of my friends and family knew I took creative writing seriously. I wanted to express myself through my writing, but clearly it wasn’t strong enough. Then one day a friend came up to me and suggested I start a blog to express my thoughts and feelings about writing. I considered it and created my blog through Blogger. It was actually quite fun, and to this day I feel that I can truly express myself in any way through my blog.
What’s one blogging tip that you would share with other potential bloggers:
Focus on the content of your blog, what you have written, the appearance, and manage all your useful widgets. Don’t waste your time attracting readers if there is nothing good to read. Always remember, content first, promotion second.
Do you see yourself still blogging in three/five years time:
I see myself blogging until I publish my first book. There is no way to tell when that will be, but surely more than four years. I will continue to blog and help boost confidence in others as my writing skills improve. Even after I publish a book or two, I won’t abandon my blog, but instead, expand my knowledge and share even more with my ever-growing number of readers.
What’s one of the best things about being a blogger:
One of the best things about being a blogger is connecting with your readers. Usually, your readers are those who have similar interests with you, which is what draws them to your blog. When you connect with your readers and make friends with them, you can exchange advice and ask them what they would like to see on your blog next. That way, your blog will become even better and your readers will like how you consider each of their opinions. It’s also great to run into another blogger. They can give you tips and secrets that will help enhance your blog. So it’s always great to connect with those around you whether through blogging or in life.
Has blogging helped you significantly in any other way:
Through blogging, I learned to grow through my writing and have confidence in myself. Before I would be more reluctant before writing something in my stories, but now I would just take the chance and go back to it later in my second draft. Sometimes you just have to take the chance follow your heart in the right direction it takes you. Blogging has definitely boosted my confidence and made me a better person.
Name one thing that inspires you:
Nature. I’m more country than I am city and I absolutely adore strolling through gardens and forests. Sometimes when I hear a rustle in the bushes nearby, my inner idealist takes over. There could be anything in there, from a fairy to a bear! I like taking photos of my surroundings when I’m hiking a forest trail or relaxing in a garden. That way, I can always look back at them at home and maybe spark an idea for another story to post on my blog.
Share one of your favourite quotes: “This is for writers yet to be published who think the uphill climb will never end. Keep believing.” – Terry Brooks

Saturday Blogger Interviews – Louise

Name: Louise
Location: North West England
Age: 20
Facebook/Twitter: @louisejoyb
What sort of things do you blog about most: fashion, lifestyle, travel, and recipes.
Name three words to describe your blog: personal, realistic, and colourful!
When did you first start blogging: three years ago
Why did you begin to blog: I was inspired by reading others, so thought I would give it a go myself!
What’s one blogging tip that you would share with other potential bloggers: all good things come to those who wait. There’s
no rush, nor a race, so be yourself and just enjoy it.
Do you see yourself still blogging in three/five years time: yes, but as I mature as a person, I think my blog will also mature with time too.
What’s one of the best things about being a blogger: the support you get from the blogging community, it’s made me a lot more confident in myself.
Has blogging helped you significantly in any other way: it’s helped me step out if my comfort zone and find my voice. It’s also a fantastic added bonus to add to your CV!
Name one thing that inspires you: design. I am a design junkie, studying it at university I am constantly inspired by patterns, colours, and typography.
Share one of your favourite quotes: true happiness can often be found in the simplest of moments.

Saturday Blogger Interviews – Georgia Hathaway

Name: Georgia Hathaway
Location: South Wales but I visit London quite often.
Age: 23 (24 in September!)
Twitter: @GeorgiaHathaway
What sort of things do you blog about most:
I concentrate on fashion: news, culture, supermodels, style icons, trends, looks, outfits, brands I like…there’s always lots to post about!
Name three words to describe your blog:
Informative, light-hearted
When did you first start blogging: November 2012
Why did you begin to blog:  After years of writing my own fashion articles for fun, working in retail, style spotting everywhere I go, writing fashion features for my college/university magazines, interning at any newspaper/magazine who would have me, contributing blog posts to a local online fashion boutique and yearning to write about clothes for a living, I decided to take the plunge and create Fashion Oyster!
What’s one blogging tip that you would share with other potential bloggers: Don’t compare your blog to anyone else’s!
Do you see yourself still blogging in three/five years time: Definitely! I love writing- I can’t imagine not doing it!
What’s one of the best things about being a blogger: The freedom to write what you want and being recognised for your writing!
Has blogging helped you significantly in any other way: It’s certainly opened doors for me- I was shortlisted for a Company Magazine Style Blogger Award earlier this year and I get several invites for fashion events/press days, which is a nice bonus.
Name one thing that inspires you: Magazine interns who work hard and get where they want to be- they give me so much hope for the future!
Share one of your favourite quotes: “Behind every success is effort, behind every effort is passion, behind every passion is someone with the courage to try.”- Victoria Beckham

5 Songs I Am Listening To At The Moment…

So if you are like me and love music then you’ll have your summer playlist all sorted already! Music is an industry which is constantly changing and growing, I listen to a lot of different types of music and from different decades as well so this summer my list is a little bit of everything! 🙂

  1. Imagine Dragons – Radioactive.
    There is something I love about this song and I think it is the main chorus as it is catchy and quite powerful, it is one of those songs that make you feel a little bit more alive and powerful.
  2. Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – Home.
    I love this song, it is such a happy feel good song and quite romantic too which is why I love it as well. If I am feeling down this is the first song I probably put on my iPod to listen to and I instantly feel a little better. It is also a song that is linked to me and my partner which is also nice 🙂
  3. Foster The People – Pumped Up Kicks.
    This song is quite different but that’s good because even still it is really catchy which is why I love listening to it. I also adore the chorus as well!
  4. The XX – Angels.
    I adore this song, I love everything about it. The rhythm is slow yet so soft and the lyrics are really quite sweet and meaningful. Always puts me in a good mood 🙂
  5. Muse – Animals.
    I have liked a lot of different Muse songs and I liked there latest album but this is the song I enjoy the most at the moment by them 🙂

If you haven’t heard any of these songs then why not try and have a listen! You may just hear your next favourite song 🙂




The Entrepreneurial Side Of Fashion, Being Ambitious In Life & Success

Something that really intrigues me is people within the fashion industry who do not just follow suit with everyone else but decide to be different and those are the ones who want the bigger picture. Usually I am on Twitter looking for new bloggers, journalists and businesses to follow and sometimes I come across a person with an essence of entrepreneurial ambition that really stands out and I hope to be one of those people soon.

I love ambition, it keeps me motivated when it feels like nothing is going right and it also gives me a buzz to know I am appreciated for doing something or being apart of something big at the end of the day. I have seen a lot of bloggers who have bigger ambitions, ones who perhaps want to be authors, fashion designers, journalists, chefs and this is really something quite great to see that they are working towards there futures using social media as a platform as it’s is one of the easiest and most helpful tools you can use.

Ambition is a word thrown around a lot by all sorts of people and it can mean different things to certain people. To some ambition is to lose weight, to others it is to get that promotion but at the end of the day it all leaves us with the same feeling, the feeling of being invincible and head strong and that’s a great mind set to have with any aspect with your life. So if you are someone who has targets, goals or ambitions then I hope you will always carry them on and succeed 🙂





Millie ‘n’ Mae Boutique – Brown Vintage Carriage Scarf and Tan Brown Leather Bracelet Promotional Present with discount code*

A long time ago I came across a very sweet and unique boutique called “Millie ‘n’ Mae” and I loved this online boutique because it seemed to sell such quirky and cute things! I emailed them and asked to do a blogging promotional exchange and they happily agreed, so lucky me I got to review two of their beautiful items from their online store here on my blog for all your lovely followers to enjoy!

The boutique sells items such as necklaces and bracelets as well as scarves and other various fashion fun pieces, if you’re looking for a signature piece to complete your outfit then I suggest taking a look here! Not only is the service incredibly fast and friendly, they made me feel more than welcome and were happy to always help! I excitedly received my parcel in the post from “Millie ‘n’ Mae” and took a peek at the treasures inside, I had chosen to review a brown vintage carriage scarf made of 100% polyester and a lovely tan leather brown magnetic clasp bracelet.

The quality of these items was good and they really looked lovely! I loved the colours of the scarf as it can be worn with a variety of vests, t-shirts or even dresses and the bracelet looks really exceptionally well made, I love that it has a magnetic clasp as it makes it easier to take off and put on as well.

Overall I would say the whole interaction with the store has been more than pleasant and very jolly which is always great 🙂 Millie ‘n’ Mae were also kind enough to give all my followers a further 20% discount from there already reasonably cheap prices which is utterly lovely of them and I am sure my followers will love to browse around their online boutique!

The discount code is: URBANITE20

There are photos below of the items, but as I am home from university and my usual photographer is not over at the moment I had to take some self shots! Please excuse the camera quality as the real life items are so much more beautiful in real life 🙂

Make sure you take a look at their home page here: and they also have Twitter as well so be sure to follow them and show your support for there ever emerging business!








Going Nautical This Summer

So the temperature has cranked itself way above the normal average for England and has made it perfect beach weather and what better way to shine with style at the beach than dressed in one of this summer’s favourite wardrobe trends – Nautical!

Looking like a sailor has never been so fun! In the past if you told somebody you wanted to look similar to that of a man that stays on a ship for long periods of time, you probably would’ve just got some weird looks and glances. But now thanks to marvelous world of fashion this vibrantly quirky reoccurring trend is making its debut once again!

Think anchors, ships, blazers with gold embellished buttons and stripes! Blue, red and white are the most commonly associated colour with the nautical trend and it’s such a great style to pull off because the colours are so complimenting of each other. This summer however all our favourite stores and retailers are quickly equipping nautical themed stock, there will be a mass of our favourite clothing pieces mixed with this quirky and fun style and will be sure to bring the sailor out of you!

*Photo’s from Tumblr.




My 5 Most Favourite Shampoos you must try!

Okay so I never use to really care about my hair until a certain stage in my life when I really enjoyed styling and spending time on my hair looking nice. Now it is a constant regime and I need to always make sure I find some really good shampoos and conditioners to use on my hair, ones which will not make them greasy or to fine.
So I thought I would share my top 5 favourite shampoos I have tried and love still and see what you think!

  1. Aussie Colour Mate/Beach Mate/Miracle Moist
    This brand has always allured me to it! If it wasn’t so expensive I would buy the whole range…I love this brand because all of the shampoos I have tried all smell so delightful and beautiful. Not only do these products by Aussie smell good the shampoos really work and they make my hair feel so much more clean and nicer afterwards as well as using quality ingredients!
  2. VO5 Plump It Up
    Well if you saw my blog post about a week ago it was on the VO5 Plump Me Up shampoo I purchased. I love it because it feels like my hair actually has some volume to it (I have fine hair!) and its weightless as well meaning it doesn’t feel overly bulky or leave residue in your hair afterwards.
  3. Lee Stafford Poker Straight
    Now this was one of the first ‘designer’ salon sort of shampoos I tried in my teenage years, the bottle was party pink and everything lured me towards it the description, the colour and definitely the smell! There’s many reasons why this is on my list, for starters it’s not as expensive as you may believe and it is reasonably cheap for a salon designer shampoo, secondly it smells amazing! and thirdly it makes your hair less frizzy – so a definite win!
  4. Herbal Essences Uplifting Volume
    Like I said I have fine hair which can be a pain sometimes, however very rarely I come across a shampoo which actually does what it says and gives an uplifting weightless look, till I tried this one!
  5. Organic Root Stimulator Olive Oil And Creamy Aloe
    When I was at university I couldn’t afford the good stuff 😦 So after some looking around in some other beauty and hair shops I found this, it was different and I thought it would give my hair a boost and revitalize it a little! The formula is not too thick, smells good and cleans hair thoroughly not to mention it always made my hair soft as well which I loved! Also great if you want to try and grow your hair as well 🙂

Let me know what you think! 🙂



Maxitone Definity Toning System Strawberry Flavour Review

A while ago I decided that I wanted to get fit and exercise more and tone up for summer (Just like everyone else) I have a pretty athletic/slim build but it was the toning which I wanted to concentrate on and definitely not weight loss! I love food to much anyway 🙂

So I have started going on morning jogs around 10am because it’s the nicest feeling in the world to wake up and smell the fresh air and jog around a really nice park when the sun is out or it’s a little windy listening to my favourite music, I find it refreshing. But I am not a night jogger – too scary for me! Besides jogging I have started working out more specifically focusing around ab curls and plank exercises to strengthen my stomach muscles.

I actually also decided to look in Holland and Barrett for something which may aid my progress and I actually found Maxitone Definity Toning System which is a “Delicious high protein shake, helps your body to recover and repair after exercise” in Strawberry flavour.
I was a little skeptical at using it first because I wasn’t sure if it would work and also because I had never tried anything like this before! But after reading the back of the tub I decided that it would be beneficial to me as protein is well known for aiding healthy skin, hair and nails as well as body muscles.

Although the tub also states that it is key to have a healthy diet as well as doing exercise and incorporating Maxitone into this lifestyle will help you achieve maximum results.
The powder is meant to be mixed with 200ml of water and very honestly it doesn’t taste at all that nice, more like a watered down strawberry milkshake but I am still sticking at it 🙂

So far I think it’s helping and working quite well and after looking at reviews online many people rated this one very high and I have to agree with them, it’s such a healthy idea!



