
Uni, fashion journalism & blogging!

Hello, Bonjour, Konnichiwa, nǐ hǎo, Guten Tag, Hallo! 

So I have been gone a long time and haven’t posted in a while, however I am back and I am hoping that this summer I will get time to blog quite a bit so fingers crossed! Since I haven’t blogged in a while, I think you all deserve a reasonable explanation and that is because last month I had an incredibly difficult amount of university work due in the same week and it meant a lot of hours staying up till the morning, barely eating and being overly tired 😦 Luckily however now I have finished my university work and my second year at university and I am home for summer!

Before I broke up for summer I was planning on doing quite a lot of things this year and I am still hoping to do them at some point like first aid and learning to drive but something which I have been thinking about more lately is my old dream of becoming a fashion journalist. For those of you who were with me from the beginning, you’ll remember I wanted to be a fashion journalist and I put all my time and effort into juggling my university work and writing for various magazines, in total I wrote over 30 articles published both online and in print format so that was successful for me however eventually it all got a bit much and I couldn’t juggle the two much longer, so I gave up writing for magazines and at this point I was writing for at least 6 or 7 different upcoming or amateur magazines so it was a lot to give up after working so hard on it but it had to be done. After a long long long break of not writing, lately I have been looking into getting back into the fashion world! I want to write articles again, so I went and started writing for some of the ones I use to write for but now I am looking into other areas of fashion as well which might be interesting like photography and styling (I don’t know if I’d be any good but that’s why you learn and try!).

I’m not completely sure which direction I want to go into for my future career but there is three different industries I am thinking about which is fashion, teaching or health care and I have routes planned for all of them – so we will all have to wait and see what next year holds 🙂

Other than that, I’ve been worrying a lot about various things like finances and health, but I am still smiling so that’s good! 🙂

Well I hope you’re all well and I am back now!






30 Day Photo Challenge – DAY 16 A BOOK

So day 16 is a book and I thought that I would take a little picture of my first aid book because like I said in a previous post I want to be able to learn first aid by the end of this year, I’m hoping to do a course later on this year to gain a certificate to say I know first aid properly but reading this book helps and gives me a head start. Further to this my dad actually loaned it to me so it means a lot in some senses 🙂




The Entrepreneurial Side Of Fashion, Being Ambitious In Life & Success

Something that really intrigues me is people within the fashion industry who do not just follow suit with everyone else but decide to be different and those are the ones who want the bigger picture. Usually I am on Twitter looking for new bloggers, journalists and businesses to follow and sometimes I come across a person with an essence of entrepreneurial ambition that really stands out and I hope to be one of those people soon.

I love ambition, it keeps me motivated when it feels like nothing is going right and it also gives me a buzz to know I am appreciated for doing something or being apart of something big at the end of the day. I have seen a lot of bloggers who have bigger ambitions, ones who perhaps want to be authors, fashion designers, journalists, chefs and this is really something quite great to see that they are working towards there futures using social media as a platform as it’s is one of the easiest and most helpful tools you can use.

Ambition is a word thrown around a lot by all sorts of people and it can mean different things to certain people. To some ambition is to lose weight, to others it is to get that promotion but at the end of the day it all leaves us with the same feeling, the feeling of being invincible and head strong and that’s a great mind set to have with any aspect with your life. So if you are someone who has targets, goals or ambitions then I hope you will always carry them on and succeed 🙂





Inspirational Note To All Those Who Have Aspirations & Ambitions

So I just wanted to write a little post dedicated to those people who have aspirations, ambitions or dreams and are aiming to succeed at something specific in life. I never realized how many people are so determined to get into a specific occupation when they are older or have strong ambitious dreams until I got a blog on here and I got twitter (Probably last person to ever get it) & followed fellow bloggers some of whom are aiming to become professional photographers, journalists, fashion stylists and designers and it has inspired me to write this post.

I myself have a very ambitious dream and those of you who follow my blog will know what it is – to become a fashion journalist/editor. I know that this is a very tough occupation to get into and most of the time it isn’t paid which is fine when you’re just gathering experience but not when you need a a full time paying job. Luckily I am at the point in my life when I am just gathering as much experience as possible, currently I did write for 5 magazines but sadly I had to relieve myself of two of those magazines as I had gained enough experience from them and also it was time to move on and give myself some relief. Now I write for 3 magazines and I am a fashion ambassador for as well, I am trying hard to gather as much fashion and writing related experience now before I get older to give me the best chances.

Back to the original base of the message, I have met some wonderful people on Twitter and my blog that have strong dreams and I really believe they have potential, I see people with the same determination and ambitious nature as myself and I just wanted to write this post to say one thing: KEEP GOING. I see future wannabe stylists and designers and photographers with some amazing unseen work and potential on their blogs and I really hope they know how well they are doing!

Sometimes I get lethargic but then I remember I need to work hard if I want a decent life in the future, good job, great house and car and stable lifestyle and a happy marriage and I will continue to work for all of that 🙂 I wish all of you ambitious and head strong people good luck and to keep at your dreams until they come true or come close enough 🙂

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Fake it till you make it

Featured in one of my followers blog posts about how I am making my ambitions and things come true by believing I am already achieving! So I feel privileged and thought I would share it with everyone 🙂


Jess Write (^_^)

I have learned this method from a variety of sources. Some books have explained and The Secret discusses a form of it for the Law of Attraction. When you look at the process involved, it makes sense and is easy to do. Just do XYZ as if you already have it achieved and watch it come your way. This is not the same as “the watched pot never boils”.

To better understand what I am talking about I will provide an example. I been having recent thoughts on becoming a writer. At the moment, the genre of writing that is best for me is undetermined. Lets say my confirmed genre was into fictional writing. I will make stories not matter if people are looking at them or not.

The exact difference of people who have mastered something and those who are trying; masters perform comfortably no matter if you check…

View original post 509 more words

My Journey To Become A Fashion Journalist…

So as you all know I want to be a fashion journalist rather badly, I’m not the type of girl who says it and doesn’t do my research first. Personally I have skills when it comes to researching in depth! But so a while ago I got into writing articles, I started small just writing them for my university online newspaper bearing in mind this is the first time I had ever wrote an article. Now it’s taken some time for my writing style and ability to develop but that first stepping stone of writing my first article for my University newspaper led me to writing more and more, getting good responses and views I found that I had a secret talent for writing.

I am an ambitious girl and tend to think of things I want to do or accomplish that is quite difficult and this being one of them, being a fashion journalist is a lot harder than it’s believed to be and to actually break into the industry is about as easy as smashing an ice cube with a tooth pick – Often one breaks before the other meaning that more than often the person gives up before the industry gives them a chance. But lately things have been going well, I mean there was a time when I thought ‘hmm is this going anywhere?’ but decided to hold on a little longer and after 8 months of writing articles for my University newspaper online I started to get chances to write for published magazines around my University and some amateur fashion magazines and websites which is great! I’m slowly but surely building my portfolio and give it a year and I’ll be applying for a internship and hopefully getting one somewhere fingers crossed!

So that was my little insight into how my journey is currently going, hope you enjoyed 🙂 Follow/Like/Subscribe.

