Social Sciences

Back To Uni – My 2nd Year & What To Expect In 1st Year

So I recently came back to the north as I am about to start my second year of uni here! I also moved into our new apartment which is very cosy and at this specific moment I am sitting on my little sofa writing this post for you guys, the apartment is nice and quite big which is great and enough for two people (Me and my lovely partner) 🙂

Well you are probably wondering overall how did my first year go? Well I have said before it included a lot of ups and downs, a lot of sleepless nights staying up doing coursework, a lot of fun stuff as well which I guess makes a good balance. I learnt a lot of things as well, I now make an excellent sponge cake! 😉 but I also learnt the basics like cooking, cleaning, shopping, doing my own washing, learning to budget (didn’t go as planned!) and such. If you are heading to uni this year that’s what to expect haha but it is definitely an unmissable experience as I am sure anyone who has been would agree.
I know a lot of people before they head to uni can sometimes get worried about whether they’d fit in or what to do if they don’t like clubbing and drinking and such like I did before I arrived here but honestly I realized no one actually cares that much whether you love to stay out all night or if you prefer to have cosy nights in at the end of the day, it is all about your personality that counts.

Tips (Don’t worry I won’t bombard you with a thousand tips to live by, just a few that may help 😉 ) – Sometimes when you have stacks of work you feel like you’d rather just hand in an unfinished piece just to get it over with but that’s when you need motivate yourself, don’t leave any work till last minute unless you are like me and enjoy the pressure because it makes you get things done faster. Do not blow all your loan on freshers and on alcohol because you will end up regretting it when you are living off beans and have no toilet roll and everyone else is enjoying spaghetti bolognese and eating out. Lastly don’t put yourself in danger always be safe, you are an adult now.

Well good luck to those heading to university this year! 🙂




Inspirational Note To All Those Who Have Aspirations & Ambitions

So I just wanted to write a little post dedicated to those people who have aspirations, ambitions or dreams and are aiming to succeed at something specific in life. I never realized how many people are so determined to get into a specific occupation when they are older or have strong ambitious dreams until I got a blog on here and I got twitter (Probably last person to ever get it) & followed fellow bloggers some of whom are aiming to become professional photographers, journalists, fashion stylists and designers and it has inspired me to write this post.

I myself have a very ambitious dream and those of you who follow my blog will know what it is – to become a fashion journalist/editor. I know that this is a very tough occupation to get into and most of the time it isn’t paid which is fine when you’re just gathering experience but not when you need a a full time paying job. Luckily I am at the point in my life when I am just gathering as much experience as possible, currently I did write for 5 magazines but sadly I had to relieve myself of two of those magazines as I had gained enough experience from them and also it was time to move on and give myself some relief. Now I write for 3 magazines and I am a fashion ambassador for as well, I am trying hard to gather as much fashion and writing related experience now before I get older to give me the best chances.

Back to the original base of the message, I have met some wonderful people on Twitter and my blog that have strong dreams and I really believe they have potential, I see people with the same determination and ambitious nature as myself and I just wanted to write this post to say one thing: KEEP GOING. I see future wannabe stylists and designers and photographers with some amazing unseen work and potential on their blogs and I really hope they know how well they are doing!

Sometimes I get lethargic but then I remember I need to work hard if I want a decent life in the future, good job, great house and car and stable lifestyle and a happy marriage and I will continue to work for all of that 🙂 I wish all of you ambitious and head strong people good luck and to keep at your dreams until they come true or come close enough 🙂

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The Day I Held An Owl And 4 Other Things I’ve Completed On My Bucket List Already!

So if you’ve read my previous post about 15 random things on my bucket list I want to do then this is like a little part 2 if you will, this is 5 random things I have already completed on my bucket list already! Enjoy 🙂

  • Hold an owl – Bit of a random one I’ll admit but I got to hold an owl and although I was a little wary it was ADORABLE! They were rescue owls so he had previously had a bad life but he was called sunny and he loved cuddles! (Photo Below)
  • Go to Japan – So in April 2011 we went to Japan to visit my brother for a week, since this was one of the countries on my long list of places to travel I got to tick that off!
  • See a shooting star – Okay so this was a one in a million chance and happened at random but it was a magical experience I wont forget, it happened back home near London when I was at a bus stop seeing my partner home when we both looked up and saw a shooting star! Sounds like something out of a movie which is why I love it! 🙂
  • Get a significant tattoo – So in June 2012 I decided I was going to get a significant tattoo and it would be my first tattoo as well so this was special too for me at least.
  • Learn finger sign language – This is something I am quite proud of that whilst I have been at University I have taught myself finger sign language, which I think is always useful.

That’s a small snippet of 5 random things I have completed already on my bucket list – Hope you enjoyed! 🙂


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